Lindwurmstr. 52
80337 München

+49 (0) 89 / 77 51 51


Opening times:
Monday and Wednesday
09:30 am - 03:30 pm
Tuesday and Thursday
By appointment only
09:30 am - 01:30 pm

Mulitlingual surgery:
German, English and





Our services

We provide you with a full scope of procedures and offer you a wide range of treatments, which are being constantly extended. We offer you the following services in our surgery in Munich:

▫ • Cosmetic(aesthetic) Dentistry
▫ • Intra-oral camera
▫ • Individual prophylaxis
▫ • Digital X-rays
▫ • Periodontology
▫ • TMJ (jaw joint) disorders
▫ • Dental surgery
▫ • Dental prostheses
▫ • Our own laboratory
▫ • Our Services

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